HP Dietz

Architect, Coder, Coach.
Work with me.


This is a compilation of open and closed source software projects I contribute to.

  1. transform-stream

    Node.js Transform Stream implementation that makes wrapping JSON data easy.

  2. services

    Assorted JavaScript services facilitating work in modern JavaScript environments.

  3. react-hooks

    Assorted React hooks.

  4. moonlight

    Arduino PWM dimmer simulating moonrise and -set for my aquascape.

  5. google-optimize-service

    Highly customizable, dependency-free, universal service abstraction around Google Optimize.

  6. react-component-console

    React component emulating a console terminal. It features human-like typing via dynamic delays, callbacks and customizable CSS classes.

  7. rollup-plugin-local-resolve

    Rollup plugin to resolve relative imports with index file resolution.

  8. subset-sum

    Node.js module to compute solutions to the coin changing problem; i.e. find combinations from a given set of integers that add up to a desired sum.

  9. log

    Minimal Node.js log service.

  10. assign-reducers

    Node.js module to combine Redux reducers analogous to Object.assign().

  11. JS-Profiler

    Collection of performance profiles, benchmarks and comparisons for various JavaScript built-ins. This site is the JS Profiler Node.js library brought to life.

  12. beacon-tool-cli

    CLI for Beacon Tool.

  13. beacon-tool

    Node.js library for Bluetooth beacon signals.

  14. preact-component-console

    Console/terminal/typewriter emulator Preact component, featuring humanized typing via dynamic delays.

  15. json-parser

    Minimal JSON file parser for node.js.

  16. pfs

    Lightweight, dependency-free, Promise-Wrapper around Node.js' fs.

  17. minify-inline-json

    Node.js module to minify inlined/embedded JSON data within script tags.

  18. embed-json

    Node.js module to minify inline/embed JSON data into files.

  19. OpenSSL Certificate Generator

    Automated, self-signed certificate generation via OpenSSL.

  20. mov2gif

    QuickTime video to GIF animation converter.

  21. node-amp-mustache-skeleton

    AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) project skeleton served via Node.js, featuring Mustache templating and Gulp based CI.

  22. goto

    Bash completion for fast project navigation.

  23. HP Dietz

    Design, localization and implementation of this site.

  24. gulp-embed-json

    Gulp plugin to inline/embed JSON data into HTML files.

  25. gulp-embed-svg

    Gulp plugin to inline/embed SVG graphics into HTML files.

  26. gulp-minify-inline-json

    Gulp plugin to minify inline script tags containing JSON data.

  27. vm-php

    PHP7 project skeleton based on Vagrant and Ansible, featuring development and QA environments as well as MailHog integration.

  28. The Rovers | Pub Music

    Design, implementation and maintenance of the band's website.

  29. ng-async-img

    Angular.js 1.x directive for asynchronous, $animate-aware <img>-tags.

  30. JS-Profiler

    JavaScript profiling tool, benchmark collection and CLI for Node.js. Powers https://js-profiler.com under the hood.

  31. mutt2calcurse

    Shell utility to export iCal events from mutt to calcurse.

  32. ngAnimatedScroll

    Promise based Angular.js 1.x service to facilitate animated scrolling.

  33. bytes

    Shell utility to retrieve disk space consumed by files within a directory.

  34. htmlelement.polyfills

    Lightweight, vanilla JavaScript polyfills for most common operations on the HTMLElement interface.

  35. Qake

    Design and implementation of the retro arcade game Qake for iOS.

    • Spiegel TV Wissen: Wissenswelten

      Completion of front end related tasks on the Wissenswelten widget p.p. heinrich+gretchen.

      • Spiegel TV Geschichte: Geschichte entdecken

        Completion of front end related tasks on the Timeline widget p.p. heinrich+gretchen.

        • Ask The Crowd

          Design, implementation and evaluation of the crowdsourcing online portal Ask The Crowd (currently in redesign), which enables users to ask and answer questions while providing realtime visualizations of the results.

        • PerCom App 2012

          Member of the developer team for the official Android app of the 2012 IEEE Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom) conference in Lugano, Switzerland.

        • MMM - The MultiModal Metronome

          Design and implementation of the Arduino-based rapid prototype for a metronome that uses external audio stimuli for beat configuration, featuring visual cues of the extrapolated beat.